Our Promise
We pledge to always put the community first. That means being leaders in economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
We are a politically agnostic company that believes in equality of opportunity. Large or small, we treat every client with the same level of focus and respect because we know that everyone has dreams and that all dreams matter. We will do everything we can to help our clients come together to build communities, cities, or countries that are economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable for every resident.

Metrics and Goals
The Williams family has invested over $13m in designing, launching, and testing Impact Economics. Only after a 7-year pilot in Charleston, SC to prove it would work did the family start scaling it across the globe.
The Impact Economics framework uses "Capitalism for Good" to provide access to, and benefits from, capitalism for all sections of a community, city, or country.
Our goal is to prove that the sustainable communities are founded upon access. This is because Access is required to allow inclusion. Inclusion is required to allow equity. Equity is required to allow resiliency, and nothing can be sustainable if it is not resilient.
Our frameworks create "Access Superhighways" so that CapitalS released from the top of a socioeconomic pyramid can flow unencumbered to the bottom, while innovations created at the bottom can scale by flowing unencumbered to the top. This provides every resident with the opportunity to participate in and personally benefit from helping create a sustainable future for themselves and heir families.

Impact Economics provides communities, cities, and countries with the ability to build vibrant hubs of impact innovation that are accessible to every resident. The hubs include award winning, free impact entrepreneurship and impact investing classes and free impact incubators. Amazing things happen when local people innovate and fund solutions for the socioeconomic problems their communities face.

Modern business owners and leaders are the most important people in the sustainable future room. We help them increase profits, brand equity, brand values, and employee and customer/client retention rates, while having agre water positive impact on their communities, cities, and countries.

We work with governments to help them embed Leadership and Management Through the Lens of Profit for Purpose into their organizations. We then work with them to help them become more efficient and effective, to adopt smart city technology, and to create communities that are economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable for ALL residents.

Community Impact
The Impact Economics framework is designed to include every segment, sector, or stakeholder in a community, city, or country. The impact it has had in Charleston, SC, and Muncie, IN, has been profound. Increasing economic vibrancy across all community segments naturally reduces many of the socioeconomic problems they face.